I wanted to let you know that we had a real blessing this weekend. Someone came and bought a lot of what we could not take to Costa Rica and all together we have met our goal for our shipping container.
This is a huge praise and something that was way out of our grasp.
Both Tracye and I have been praying that throughout this whole process, that God be glorified and allow people to see His hand working in our lives and directing us.
Everything that has come together for Tracye and me was not of our own doing.
It has been God and God alone who has opened doors and made things possible.
Our next goal is to purchase our tickets not only for us, but to also get our dogs down there with us. We are going to be taking our Yorkies with us along with our Jack Russell and our Black Lab. We will be taking some extra baggage with us, which in the olden days folks used to be able to take two pieces of luggage with them for free. Now they charge $40 for the second bag and $150.00+ for any bag after that.
So we are looking at about $2700.00 for everything.
God has been good and has been opening the doors in all of this and we know that He will continue to do so.
We have been doing our part also and trying to sell off some of the things we are not allowed to take with us as well as the DVDs that Prophecy in The News was so gracious in letting us have on consignment.

What is interesting is that there are times that I kind of "freak out" when I allow myself to really think what we are doing. You know, when the enemy gets your ear and causes you to doubt.
I can see the same thing happening to Peter when he was walking on the water with Christ.
I imaging Peter looking down and "freaking out" thinking "OH NO…I am walking on water!!"
At that time doubt enters and he starts to sink until he puts his eyes back on the Lord and Christ lifts him out again.
Yesterday while we were in church I had one of those moments saying " OH NO… we are moving to Costa Rica" moments.
The butterflies started up in my tummy and I was wondering if what we were doing was the right thing.
Then right there a peace came over me that only the Lord can provide. I reflected on all the things that God has done, all the open doors, all the obstacles that He has helped us overcome in just a few months.
It has been God and God alone and all praise goes to Him.
Running Away?
On the flip side I am still getting emails from people that are not too nice.
A lot of this has to do with assumptions on their part because they think what we are doing is based out of fear and "running away."
Let me say this, that is the farthest thing from the truth.

What I can say is that God is doing some amazing things not only in our lives but in many people's lives.
One of the ways I describe it is that He is putting people in place not only here in the US, but all over the world.
We Are Not The Only Ones
I know of other ministries that are being called to Ecuador, Panama, Belize, Uruguay, even New Zealand where our friend Chuck Missler has been called.
But I also know of ministries that have picked up from say Washington State and been called to Arkansas.
Others are expanding their work like a ministry I know in Tennessee and another in Florida. I have gotten emails from several people who have some acreage saying that God is telling them to prepare to take in Christians who need a place of refuge. I have also gotten emails from several seniors that have told me that they are going to be "safe places along the way."
This is why I say that God is moving in a big way.
Oskar Schindler's Great Niece

When we met I told her about some of the things we have been doing here at Prophezine and all of a sudden her eyes lit up. I spoke about the emails I have been getting, feeling God calling us out, etc etc.
Well, come to find out that the same thing has been happening to her as well. She is seeing things like this take place with her ministry too.
We compared notes and it was like we were plugged into the same source.
Well, we are plugged into the same source, it is called the Holy Spirit.
During our conversation Rosemary said something that really rang true.
said, "Ray, I have no idea why I am doing what I am doing. I try to
figure it out and nothing makes sense to me. I am in touch with someone
here, someone talks to me there, people I have never met contacting me
about The Remnant and how God is going to bring it all together."
WOW… someone else who knows about The Remnant and here I thought that I was alone on this.
She asked if I could figure out what was going on my side and I told her the same thing.
have a piece here, I know of people there, Watchman ministries getting
out of the US. But nothing that is forming a solid picture.
We both equated it to a giant puzzle. I have some pieces, she has some pieces, other people have pieces. But we are not at the point where all the pieces are coming together yet to form a giant picture that we can make sense out of.
God is moving in a big way, I feel it in my bones. I can't put my finger on it except that "I know that I know" if that makes any sense to you.
I hope to expand on this more in the coming days. I was actually going to do that in today's PZ Insider Report, but then God had me up pretty early and that is when I found out about the Pope and was inspired to write about that instead.

They are God driven, because only HE could have taken us this far in just a few short months.
See, if you would have asked us this back a few months ago about all this, we would have said no way, specially with all that is going on here in the US. I honestly thought that God had other plans for us here.
Well looking back, it makes sense now.
Called To Blaze The Trail
The one thing that both Tracye and I feel deep within our bones is that we are being called to "blaze the trail" per say.
We have helped some of our PZ Insiders make a way to Belize along with several ministries down there.
But we also know that we are being called to help people who are possibly being called to Costa Rica.
God opened the doors for us to come on a recon trip and we don't have that much. We want to be able to bless others the same way we were blessed.
But to do that, God had to open some doors. So both of us started to pray for a home big enough that we would be able to allow people to come stay with us.
We want to be able to pick folks up at the airport, help show them around, be a friendly face and introduce them around.
This way people can really fund a recon trip to see if God is calling them to Costa Rica or not.
And you know the good news?
Not only has God provided a good home that meets our needs, we already have people coming down that we can help show around in mid April. We have other PZ Insiders who have contacted us as well.
If you believe God is calling you, come on down and stay with us. If anything it will be a time of great fellowship, swapping notes and sharing insights into His Word.

I honestly believe that what we are witnessing is what took place in pre-WWII Germany as well as with our own Civil War.
I believe that God is building a network of people that will be part of and support The Remnant.
The one verse that keeps coming back to me is Isaiah 6:8
" Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
I promise you, exciting things will happen because God is moving in a big way.
It is a great time to be in the service of our Lord.
Don't ignore the still small voice.
What is God calling you to do?
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