As many of you know, Tracye and I have been praying for direction for a long time.
It seems that for the last couple of years we have been in what I describe as a holding pattern.
The one thing that we knew is that where we are now was going to change; in fact around April 2012 we felt a "releasing" of sorts. We are not ones to just move on a whim so we have waited on God to give us clear direction.
We have been checking out many areas here in the US from N Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina.
We even took a trip to Belize.
Because Belize has been on our radar for so long, we had to rule it in or rule it out. Well God let us know that Belize was not for us personally. But that does not mean it is not right for others.
I have been working with a ministry down there that is helping Christians relocate, and I even know of a few PZ Insider families who have been called to Belize and are now setting up down there.
A Phone Call
We have been asking all of you to please pray for us and that God give us direction. Things are taking place in this nation that are absolutely mind boggling.
I believe that things are going to get much worse before they get better.
It was about the beginning of August and I got a phone call from my good friend Gary Kah.

Gary Kah - Ray Gano - John Price
Gary and his wife have been working pretty hard with speaking engagements all over the US and even in Europe. But something came up and Gary had to have an operation on his shoulder. That meant a lot of down time.
So they took advantage of this and saw it as the Lord telling them to take a much needed sabbatical. So they packed up their bags and headed south.
That is when I got the phone call.
Ray -- This is Gary, can you guess where we are… Costa Rica!! You have
got to come down here, it is incredible, God is doing some incredible
As many of you may know who are linked into our Facebook, this past September we went down to Costa Rica and we were very pleased.
But what is interesting is that not only was Gary Kah there, we found out that John Price, author of "The End of America" just recently relocated down there.

We believe that God is calling us to Costa Rica and He has opened the doors for us.
With this relocation, Me and Tracye see our work here at Prophezine actually expanding.
Just so you know, nothing is going to change, PZ Insider Report, PZ News Watch, PZ Survival News will still go out like clockwork.
In fact because we are there, I believe that we will have a little more of a "free voice" to report on things that we observe.
One thing I would like to put back on the front burner is getting PZ Radio back up and running with a focus again on Preaching, Teaching and looking at what is going on Globally.
It is my desire to see Prophezine become a voice of encouragement to "The Remnant" not only in the US but an encouragement globally. Christians will need it in the coming days.
God Has Opened Up a Home and a Vehicle To Us
God has paved the way so that we can rent a 2 bedroom house, but that is not all. He has provided a car that we can purchase at a very good price.
We say that "He paved the way" because our new landlord loves the Lord and is a Christian also. She has been praying for a good family to move into her home, and she has been trying to rent it for over a year. She told us if we were not the ones, she would finally take it off the market and accept it is not in His will to rent.
So it is neat to see when we ourselves are an answer to someone else's prayers.
Again that is just half of it, He also provided a car so we can get around.
Our new landlord had a car and we just happen to ask her if it was for sale.

The more I looked, the more I noticed that this car was hardly driven. I finally checked the mileage and I could not believe what I saw. Only 36,000.
So we asked her the price and she came back with $6500.00.
Tracye and I could not believe what we were hearing. See, in Costa Rica you cannot pick up a reliable, low mileage, never been in an accident , well taken care of car for under $10K.
This was a HUGE answer to prayer for us and the second big thing that we asked God to do if He wanted us down there.
More Details To Come
In the coming days and weeks we are going to be putting out more details like…
- The many reasons WHY we are relocating
- How we are getting down to Costa Rica
- Prophezine's role in supporting "The Remnant" both in the US and abroad
- Getting Residency in Costa Rica
- Cost of living in Costa Rica vs here in Texas
- What other ministries are doing and how we are getting involved
- What is going on in other countries
- Prophezine's role in reaching even more people for Christ globally.
- How PZ Insiders can benefit with us in Costa Rica
In His Service,
Ray & Tracye Gano

This is a picture of the hills outside of Grecia or Sarchi Costa Rica
photo by Tracye Gano
Tracye- that's a really great pic! glad you are keeping a journal- after i sell my place i will be looking around....